Sacred Cat
The Sacred Cat Award is named after the club mascot Anubis, the mummified cat, and recognizes excellence in journalism at the national level. It is presented each spring at the Gridiron banquet, which also honors winners of the club’s Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism competition and a Headliner award winner. The Sacred Cat award has been given annually since 1973, with broadcast journalist Peter Arnett receiving the inaugural award and some of the country’s greatest journalists and media leaders receiving it since then. The Press Club’s board of governors and the Gridiron Committee collaborate in the selection of a Sacred Cat.
Current – 2000
2024 – James Bennet
2023 – Anna Wolfe
2022 – Manu Raju
2021 – Gloria Borger
2019 – Chuck Todd
2018 – Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey
2017 – David Fahrenthold
2016 – Marty Baron
2015 – Ann Compton
2014 – Jonathan Alter
2013 – Cokie Roberts
2012 – Juan Williams
2011 – Bill Kurtis
2010 – Leonard Pitts Jr.
2009 – Frank Deford
2008 – Kimberly Dozier
2007 – Milton Coleman
2006 – Aaron Brown
2005 – William L. Allen
2004 – Jim Miklaszewski
2003 – Brooke Gladstone
2002 – Paul Gigot
2001 – David Maraniss
2000 – David Protess and his Northwestern investigative reporting students
1999 – Prior
1999 – Michael Isikoff
1998 – Matt Lauer
1997 – Michael Bloomberg
1996 – Bob Vito
1995 – Fred Graham
1994 – Mark Russell
1993 – Judy Woodruff
1992 – Lynn Sherr
1991 – Art Buchwald
1990 – Maria Jimena Duzan
1989 – George N. Gillett
1988 – Ted Turner
1987 – Jim Lehrer and Robert MacNeil
1986 – Tom Wicker
1985 – Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert
1984 – 60 Minutes
1983 – Linda Ellerbee
1982 – Max Robinson
1981 – Malcolm Forbes
1980 – Tom Snyder
1979 – Reuven Frank
1978 – Louis Rukeyser
1977 – Irv Kupcinet
1976 – Nicholas von Hoffman
1975 – Walter Cronkite
1974 – Helen Thomas
1973 – Peter Arnett
Since 1957 the Milwaukee Press Club has honored Wisconsin leaders each year with its Headliner award. The list of winners is a who’s who of Wisconsin greats – from the worlds of politics, business, sports, religion, entertainment and the media. The Headliner award is presented each spring at the Gridiron banquet, which also honors winners of the club’s Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism competition and a Sacred Cat. The Press Club’s board of governors and the Gridiron Committee collaborate in the selection of a Headliner.
Current – 2000
2024 – Leroy Butler, Tim Sheehy
2023 – Derek Mosley, George Stanley
2022 – Tommy G. Thompson
2021 – John W. Daniels, Jr., Robert and Susan Mikulay
2019 – Martin J. Schreiber, Mary Lou Young
2018 – Gary Grunau, Juli Kaufmann
2017 – Dr. Howard Fuller, Carmen Pitre
2016 – Ted Kellner, Hannah Rosenthal
2015 – Ricardo Diaz, Linda Mellowes
2014 – Michael Pink, Steve Roell
2013 – Barry Alvarez
2012 – Sue Black, John Cary
2011 – Sue Dragisic, Marty Kaiser
2010 – Will Allen, Kitty Brennan
2009 – Michael Grebe, Gwen Jackson
2008 – Bob Harlan, Joseph Zilber
2007 – Sheldon Lubar
2006 – Bob Reitman, Sister Joel Read
2005 – Michael Cudahy
2004 – Dr. Zorba Paster, Tom Clark
2002 – Tom Crean, Bruce Pearl
2001 – Russell Bowman, Christopher Goldsmith, Jack Pelisek
2000 – Andreas Delfs
1999 – Prior
1999 – Roger Fitzsimonds
1998 – Janine Geske
1997 – Jacquelyn Mitchard
1996 – Mike Holmgren
1995 – Allan Huber “Bud” Selig
1994 – Pat Richter, Bonnie Blair and Dan Jansen
1993 – Jane and Lloyd Pettit
1992 – Howard Fuller
1991 – Les Aspin
1990 – Lindy Infante
1989 – Mitchell Fromstein
1988 – T. Michael Brophy
1987 – Archbishop Rembert Weakland
1986 – Charles McNeer
1985 – Ben Marcus and Stephen H. Marcus
1984 – Paul E. Hassett
1983 – Ben Barkin
1982 – Max Karl
1981 – Albert A. Silverman
1980 – Catherine B. Cleary
1979 – Allan Huber “Bud” Selig
1978 – Harry C. Bockel
1977 – Warren P. Knowles
1976 – Robert V. Krikorian
1975 – Arnold D. K. Mason
1974 – Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J.
1973 – Francis E. Ferguson
1972 – Norman N. Gill
1971 – Mrs. Harry Lynde Bradley and Donald C. Slichter
1970 – Hazel Maxwell and Harold Morgan
1969 – James A. Lovell
1968 – George A. Parkinson
1967 – Howard J. Tobin
1966 – Walter H. Bender
1965 – Robert A. Uihlein, Jr.
1964 – Leo Tiefenthaler
1963 – Irwin Maier
1962 – Albert S. Puelicher
1961 – Eliot Fitch
1960 – S. Lloyd Nemeyer
1959 – Edmund Fitzgerald
1958 – George F. Kasten
1957 – Harold S. Vincent
Knights of the Golden Quill
This is a Milwaukee Press Club membership designation reserved for a select few. The honor is rarely bestowed, and is done so on nomination of the Press Club’s Past Presidents Council with approval from the Press Club board of governors. Knights are invested during the club’s annual meeting in September. It is bestowed upon members of the journalism profession and allied fields, and occasionally to others, in recognition of selfless deeds, untiring leadership and exemplary civic leadership.

The honor was first bestowed in 1949 when Wisconsin author August Derleth was named a Knight of the Golden Quill.
- Frank Aukofer The Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Charles O. Benson* Milwaukee Press Club manager
- Gary D’Amato, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- August Derleth* Wisconsin author
- John Fauber Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Kathleen Gallagher Milwaukee Jouranl Sentinel
- Jill Geisler, Loyola University Chicago, WITI-TV, Poynter Institute
- Craig Gilbert, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Mike Gousha, WTMJ-TV 4
- Ed Hinshaw* WTMJ Journal Broadcast Group
- Margo Huston The Milwaukee Journal
- Mark Johnson Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Irwin Maier* The Milwaukee Journal
- John F. Kennedy* United States President
- Meg Kissinger, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- William F. Knowland* Oakland Tribune, U.S. House of Representatives
- Richard H. Leonard* The Milwaukee Journal
- Frank J. Marasco Sr.* Milwaukee Sentinel
- John McCullough* WTMJ-TV
- Bob McGinn The Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Gene Mueller, Radio 620 WTMJ
- Sharon M. Murphy Marquette University College of Journalism
- Kathy Mykleby, WISN-TV
- Jean H. Otto* The Milwaukee Journal; Rocky Mountain News
- Gary Porter Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Jay Reed* The Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- George E. Reedy* Pres. Lyndon Johnson press office; Marquette Univ. College of Journalism
- Susan J. Riordan WISN-TV, WITI-TV, Gov. Lee Dreyfus press secretary, Wisconsin Gas Co.
- Raquel Rutledge, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Lou Saldivar Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Harrison Salisbury* The New York Times
- Arville Schaleben* The Milwaukee Journal
- Harvey Schwandner* Milwaukee Sentinel, The Milwaukee Journal
- James Schlosser* WTMJ Radio and TV
- Alison Sherwood Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Bill Sixty Sr.* The Milwaukee Journal
- Crocker Stephenson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Laurie Van Dyke* The Milwaukee Journal
- Walter “Chick” Wegner* Milwaukee Sentinel
- Melodie J. Wilson* WTMJ-TV, WITI-TV
- Mike Gousha Today’s TMJ4
- Jim Peck Marquette University
- Dave Umhoefer Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Robert H. Wills*, Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee Journal, Journal Sentinel Inc. & Journal Communications
Knights of Bohemia
Since 1909, the Milwaukee Press Club has honored exceptional community members and friends of the club by investing them in the Circle of the Knights of Bohemia. Alonzo Burt, who was president of the Wisconsin Telephone Company, was the first to be designated a Knight of Bohemia (and apparently the first non-journalist to join the Press Club). That was in 1909. By 1922, the ranks of the order had grown to 10 people, and stayed at that number for many years, despite the initial intentions of knighting someone each year at the club’s annual meeting – then known as “CatFest.” After 1922, club records do not indicate a new Knight of Bohemia until 1956 when Fred Pabst joined the list, and then in 1958 when Joseph J. Krueger’s name appeared.

- Dave Baldwin* The Safe House/Newsroom Pub
- Ben Barkin* Jos. Schiltz Brewing Co.; Barkin & Barkin
- Joe* & Jennifer Bartolotta, The Bartolotta Restaurants
- Donald Baumgartner Paper Machinery Corporation
- Rosemary Bischoff* Rosemary Bischoff Studios and Models Agency
- Harry W. Bolens* Port Washington Star
- Alonzo Burt* Wisconsin Telephone
- John Cary, MACC Fund
- Paul Cebar, American songwriter, singer, guitarist and bandleader
- Willie G. Davidson, Harley Davidson
- Fr. Frank Drabinowicz* Press Club chaplain, St. James Catholic Church, Bell Canto Chorus
- Rev. Joseph Ellwanger Activist and former pastor
- Bruce Estlund* Wisconsin Telephone
- Peter Feigin, Milwaukee Bucks
- Judge Christopher R. Foley, Milwaukee County Circuit Court
- Sheldon S. Glass* Milwaukee Gas Light Co.
- George Gravin* Gravin-Shaw Public Relations
- John Gurda, Acclaimed Historian
- Herbert J. Hansen* Wisconsin Gas Co.
- Charles Hanson* WISN-AM 1130 Radio
- Gerry W. Hazelton* U.S. House of Representative; Milwaukee attorney
- Alex J. Horlick* Horlick Malted Milk Co.
- Wm. Horlick Jr.* Horlick Malted Milk Co.
- Vyto Kapocius, Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
- Herb Kohl*, Former U.S. Senator & Milwaukee Bucks Owner
- Joseph J. Krueger* Milwaukee city treasurer
- Stephen H. Marcus, The Marcus Corporation
- Major Wm. Mitchell Lewis* Mitchell Motor Car Co.; Racine Rubber Co, Wisconsin Army 32nd Div.
- Capt. James A. Lovell, National Aeronautics & Space Administration
- Huetta “Scotty” Manion*, Landmarks Gallery
- Shirley Marine, Milwaukee Press Club manager
- H. Carl Mueller, Mueller Communications, Inc.
- Fred Pabst* Pabst Brewing Co.
- Gustave Pabst* Pabst Brewing Co.
- Julie Pedretti, Children’s Hospital
- Vel Phillips, Milwaukee Common Council, Milwaukee County Judge, Vel Phillips Foundation
- Hyman Popuch* Trophy Athletic Co.
- Helen Ratzsch* Karl Ratzsch’s restaurant
- Joette Richards, Administrator of the Milwaukee Press Club
- Robert Riordan* Milwaukee Sentinel, Northwestern Mutual Life
- William Schuchardt* Milwaukee architect
- Albert A. Silverman* Vilter Mfg., vice president and director; attorney
- Randal Sprecher, Sprecher Brewing Co.
- John Stollenwerk, Allen-Edmonds Shoe Corp.
- Stephen Swedish* Steve Swedish Band leader
- Ralph Tillema* Downer College, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
- Edwin C. Uihlein* Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.
- Robert A. Uihlein Jr.* Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.
- Debra Usinger*, Usinger’s Famous Sausage
- Fritz Usinger, Usinger’s Famous Sausage
- Sylvester B. Way* The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co; Wisconsin Electric Power Co.
- James E. Webb* NASA administrator
- Michael S. Wolke, Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Dept.
- Frank P. Zeidler* Milwaukee mayor
Hall of Fame
The Milwaukee Press Club established the Milwaukee Media Hall of Fame in 1980 to honor the men and women who shaped journalism here. The club’s Past President’s Council nominates the inductees, with those nominations going to the club’s board of governors for approval. In 1988, the club added a posthumous honor. It is now customary to annually induct five living and five deceased journalists into the hall. The inductions are made during a fall banquet.
- James Angeli
- Lee Bergquist
- Gretchen Ehlke
- Jessie Garcia
- Tom Haudricourt
- Ron Smith
- Kent Wainscott
- Joy Cardin
- Colleen Henry
- Susan Kim
- Rick Romell
- Andrew L. Triplett
2023 (Posthumous Class)
- Robert Dye
- Allan Y. Scott
- Denise Callaway
- Liddie Collins
- Joyce Garbaciak
- Thomas E. Mitchell Jr.
- Jim Stingl
2022 (Posthumous Class)
- Martin Hintz
- Meg Jones
- Alan J. Borsuk
- Meg Kissinger
- Everett Marshburn
- Sharon McGowan
- Larry Meiller
- Kathy Mykleby
- Dan Shelley
2019 (Posthumous Class)
- Tim Cuprisin
- Elizabeth (Betsy) Brenner
- John Fennell
- Mike Jacobs
- Marilyn Krause
- Carole Meekins
- Stuart Wilk
2018 (Posthumous Class)
- Nathan Conyers
- Russ Haase
- Mike Anderson
- Mike Gousha
- Mikel Holt
- Garry D. Howard
- Damien Jaques
- Myra Sanchick
2017 (Posthumous Class)
- Bob Riepenhoff
- Eric Von
- Bob Bach
- Michael Juley
- Ted Knap
- Jim Miklaszewski
- Roseann St. Aubin
- John B. Torinus Jr.
2016 (Posthumous Class)
- James W. Foley
- Don Walker
- Mary Fran Cahill
- Martin Kaiser
- Gerald Kloss
- Patricia O’Flynn Pattillo
- Mark Zoromski
2015 (Posthumous Class)
- Jim Cullen
- Scott Feldmeyer
- Jackie Loohauis-Bennett
- Kathleen Dunn
- Eugene Kane
- Vince O’Hern
- Jim Paschke
- Neil D. Rosenberg
- Rod Synnes
2014 (Posthumous Class)
- Bill Behling
- Dickey Chapelle
- Tom Brochhausen
- Daniel P. Hanley Jr.
- Jayne Jeffery
- Gene Mueller
- Bob Reitman
- David Zweifel
2013 (Posthumous Class)
- Louvenia Johnson
- Wilmott Ragsdale
- Cary Edwards
- Jill Geisler
- Dean Jensen
- Betty Quadracci
- Keta Steebs
2012 (Posthumous Class)
- Harry T. Kemp
- Richard Wheeler
- Willie Davis
- Lance J. Herdegen
- Mike Miller
- Epluribus C. Reynolds
- Joanne Williams
2011 (Posthumous Class)
- Vernon J. Biever
- Roger Jaynes
- Mike Drew
- Gordon Hinkley
- Jack Orton
- Jim Peck
- Jerry Resler
- Sue Ryon
2010 (Posthumous Class)
- Don Dooley
- Richard Kienitz
- Marie Jacque Schanen
- William F. Schanen Jr.
- Barbara Dembski
- William Meyer
- Andy Potos
- Greg Stanford
- Jerry Taff
2009 (Posthumous Class)
- Constance Daniell
- David Doege
- Mildred Freese
- Al Kalmbach
- Vern Arendt
- Clayborn Benson
- Whitney Gould
- Paul Joseph
- Jim McLoone
- Paul Salsini
2008 (Posthumous Class)
- Duane Gay
- Bruce Gill
- James Pluta
- Ray Taylor
- Lynise Weeks
- Fran Bauer
- Rosemary Gernette
- T. Lee Hughes
- Steve Olszyk
- Dan Patrinos
2007 (Posthumous Class)
- Howard Gernette
- Dennis Getto
- Dale Guldan
- Gordon MacQuarrie
- Leonard Sykes
- James Clifford
- Quincy Dadisman
- Jack Kole
- Ray Lapine
- James Slocum
- Roger Stafford
2006 (Posthumous Class)
- Gerry Hinkley
- Don Olesen
- John Wells
- Erwin Gebhard
- Dale Hofmann
- Beth Slocum
- Keith Spore
- Sprague Vonier
2005 (Posthumous Class)
- Jim Auer
- Elisabeth “Ello” Brink
- George Comte
- Thomas Smith
- Mattiebelle Woods
- Bernice Buresh
- Bud Lea
- George Lockwood
- Mike McCormick
- Jim Spaulding
2004 (Posthumous Class)
- Walter L. Jones
- Stan Kalish
- Walter Monfried
- Harry Pease
- Bob Wolf
- Stephen Maersch
- Elliott Maraniss
- Mary Beth Murphy
- Bruce Nason
- Harold Schwartz
2003 (Posthumous Class)
- Edwin Bayley
- Lindsay Hoben
- Eldon Knoche
- George Pitrof
- Howard Pollock
- Jay Reed
- Warren Bovee
- Colleen “Koky” Dishon
- Ed Hinshaw
- Jo Sandin
- Avery Wittenberger
2002 (Posthumous Class)
- Mel Kishner
- Raymond E. McBride
- Marian ‘Toni’ McBride
- Howard ‘Buck’ Herzog
- Fred Remick
- Frank Aukofer
- Ethel Gintoft
- Loren Osman
- Ken Roesslein
- Bill Taylor
2001 (Posthumous Class)
- Cal Holm
- Russ Lynch
- Ralph Schauer
- Webster Woodmansee
- Margo Huston
- Bill Janz
- Bill Sanders
- Joseph Savage
- Melodie Wilson
2000 (Posthumous Class)
- Alan Gass
- Don Richards
- Ray Grody
- Rod Van Every
- Lois Blinkhorn
- Lou Chapman
- Sherman Gessert
- Tom Hooper
- Jim Irwin
1999 (Posthumous Class)
- Beulah Donohue
- Robert H. Dumke
- Harry Hill
- Perry C. Hill
- Edward K. Thompson
- David Behrendt
- Richard Bradee
- Gene Cunningham
- John Drilling
- Lil Kleiman
1998 (Posthumous Class)
- J. Anthony Josey
- Wallace “Chink” Lomoe
- Carl Sandburg
- Russ Winnie
- Richard Bauer
- John Patrick Hunter
- Charles “Chuck” Johnson
- Don Parcher
- Joe Shoquist
1997 (Posthumous Class)
- Harriet Cramer
- Herman Ewald
- Edna Ferber
- Patt Barnes
- James J. Colby
- Tom Barber
- Jay Joslyn
- Robert O’Meara
- Walter Morrison
- Bunny Raasch
- Marta Bender
- Don Froehlich
- Paul Hayes
- Alex Thien
- Robert Witas
- Sandy Cota
- Howard Fibich
- George Koshollek
- Wade H. Mosby
- Hank Stoddard
- H. Russell Austin
- Ray Doherty
- Bob Heiss
- Laurie Van Dyke
- Bob Wills
- Victor Berger
- Gene Harrington
- Ruane Hill
- Jean Otto
- Neil Shively
- John W. Ahlhauser
- Larry Clark
- Don L. Johnson
- Jessica Knowles
- George Reedy
- Alicia Ann Armstrong
- Laurence C. Eklund
- Frank J. Marasco
- John McCullough
- Jim Schlosser
- Trueman E. Farris, Jr.
- J. Donald Ferguson
- D. Raymond Kenny
- Otto F. Schlaak
- Ellen G. M.Wilson
- Marvin H. Creager
- Cyrus F. Rice
- Ruth A. Wilson
- Henry A. Youmans, Jr.
- Carl Zimmermann
- Art Olszyk
- Aileen Ryan
- Harry Sonneborn
- John Thompson
- Robert Wells
- Edna Dunlop
- Earl Gillespie
- James M. Johnston
- Richard H. Leonard
- Ross A. Lewis
1985 (Press Club Centennial)
- Dorothy Witte Austin
- Mel Ellis
- Ione Quinby Griggs
- Dion Henderson
- Robert J. Riordan
- Journalist of the Century
- Richard S. Davis
- The Story of the Century
- The Progressive Era
- Semi-Sacred Cat Award
- Jack DuBlon
- Donald B. Abert
- Humphrey E. Desmond
- Leo Kissel
- William A. Norris
- Chase Salmon Osborn
- William Carlsen
- Harry J. Grant
- Lloyd G. Larson
- Irwin Maier
- Paul Ringler
- Woods O. Dreyfus
- Charles A. LaForce
- Roger W. LeGrand
- Jeremiah L. O’Sullivan
- Billy Sixty
- Jack E. Krueger
- Lucius W. Nieman
- General Rufus King
- Walter G. Wegner
- Louise Cattoi
- Walter J. Damm
- Richard S. Davis
- Arville Schaleben
- Harvey W. Schwandner
Distinguished Service Award
The rarest of club honors is the Distinguished Service medal, presented by the Past President’s Council to a club member who has shown extraordinary dedication to the club.
- Tom Heinen
- Steve Jagler
- Vyto Kapocius
- David Niles
- Lori Richards
- Kenneth Roesslein
- Roger Stafford
- Tom Traband*