The MPC Endowment Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) Wisconsin-registered non-stock corporation EIN#23-7375882. Please support our efforts to promote journalism excellence through a tax-deductible gift.
We encourage simple donations of any amount to the Endowment. Or if you’d like, contribute in honor or memory of a loved one.
Donate Online
Click on the “Donate” button below to use a credit card or PayPal and donate directly to the MPC Endowment.
Mail a Contribution
Download the form below and mail with a check to:
David Niles
MPC Endowment Ltd.
1505 N. 119th St.
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
Consider a Major Gift
Named Scholarships and Funds:
- With a minimum initial contribution of $10,000 from an individual or group, the Endowment Board will consider naming a scholarship in honor or memory of a recipient.
Planned Giving
- Many Milwaukee Press Club members, friends and community members have included the Endowment in their wills.
Contact Endowment board treasurer David Niles to discuss these options.
Many corporations are willing to match employee donations to a nonprofit. Do you or your spouse work for such a company? We encourage donors and their families to check with their corporate headquarters to inquire if the employer has a matching program.