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Tim Cuprisin fund to support journalism internships
Cuprisin fund to support journalism internships
The MPC Endowment is pleased to announce that its Tim Cuprisin memorial fund will be dedicated to funding college student internships with the Milwaukee Press Club.
Press Club interns assist the club’s executive director and earn a stipend while gaining hands-on experience and networking opportunities within the journalism community. The independent, philanthropic affiliate of the Press Club, the Endowment has long funded the internship as part of its mission to advance excellence in journalism. The Tim Cuprisin fund will sustain that support.
“No one got more excited about chasing a good story than Tim Cuprisin. His childlike enthusiasm helped him relate to the many interns who worked in our newsroom each year,” said Meg Kissinger, a former colleague and close friend of Cuprisin. “Tim cherished his role as a mentor to these budding journalists. So, it’s only fitting that this fund in his name would help make internships possible. I’m so grateful for the chance to keep his memory alive through the work of these young people.”
Cuprisin, who died in 2011 at the age of 53, was best known as a media critic at The Milwaukee Journal, the Journal Sentinel and OnMilwaukee. In 2019, Cuprisin was inducted in the Press Club’s Media Hall of Fame.
“On behalf of the Milwaukee Press Club, I extend our sincere gratitude to the MPC Endowment and the Tim Cuprisin Memorial Fund for supporting our interns and the future of journalism,” said Maryann Lazarski, MPC president. “Paying for college these days isn’t easy and we hope this helps ease that burden a bit. I think Tim would give this announcement rave reviews.”
A report by Lexi S. Brunson, editor-in-chief of CopyWrite magazine, examined the impact of the first 50 years of the Endowment and noted that paid internships benefit journalism students by providing them with financial support, experience and professional connections.
Brunson’s independent report was underwritten by the Journal Foundation, which also recently contributed to the Endowment’s Solomon Juneau campaign, including $40,000 earmarked for journalism internships. The Endowment hopes to expand its investment in internships. It also funds an internship for the Wisconsin Journalism Education Association and has in the past provided paid newsroom internships associated with Marquette University’s Urban Journalism Workshop.
The Solomon Juneau campaign is the Endowment’s first fundraising effort since it began in 1973.
For more information on the Endowment and how to donate, please go to
The MPC Endowment Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
2024 Headliner Award Recipient Tim Sheehy
Tim Sheehy, former head of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce (MMAC), received a Milwaukee Press Club Headliner Award for his contributions to our community. In his acceptance speech Sheehy addressed the need for journalists to keep their political leanings unknown and the importance of the Fourth Estate, saying “An informed citizenry is at the heart of America’s 246-year-old experiment in democracy. A free press is foundational to an informed citizenry.”
Sheehy delivered the remarks below at the Milwaukee Press Club’s Gridiron Awards Dinner on May 3, where he was presented with the club’s Headliner Award.
My professional life has been spent advocating for Milwaukee’s business community. For 40 years, on a weekly basis, this role has put me in front of a camera, in the paper, or on the radio.
From this experience, I want to reflect on two questions:
- What makes a good reporter?
- And what role does a free press play in our society?
I was first quoted in a Sentinel story in 1983, my first talk show appearance was in 1984. Since then, I have engaged reporters/media from Journal Sentinel, WTMJ, WISN, ESPN, NYT, WSJ, Time, 60 Minutes, Economist, Dubai News, Shanghai Daily, Al Jazeera, and many others. So, I have some perspective on what makes a good reporter.
A perspective that has been shaped by working with some great ones like Don Walker, Mike Gousha, John Torinus, Tom Daykin, Rick Barrett, Rich Kirchen, Meg Kissinger, Corri Hess, and John Mercure to name a few.
The first time Charles Benson (T.V reporter with WTMJ) put a mike in my face, I was a young guy lobbying in the State capital. Fast forward to 2018 and it was Charles who covered a story about my youngest son playing with the Packers.
In between those 35 years we exchanged information on and off the record, spent hours wading through hearings, sharing a quick lunch in the car, nights crossing paths in the capital, weekends responding to breaking news. And, sweating it out, live on camera.
After all those years, I still don’t know if Charles is a Democrat, Republican or an independent. I do know he has competed in an Iron man. But I don’t know if he is conservative, liberal, or libertarian. I know he is a bike rider; I do not know if he is pro/con on the streetcar. I don’t know his views on any of the issues we covered.
And never once has Charles given me favorable coverage in his reporting …not once, nor for that matter has he ever given me unfavorable coverage. All he gave was a story that told itself. As a reporter, Charles is not my friend, he is not my enemy. He has my respect for the job he must do and the deadline by which to get it done.
What makes a good reporter?
- Do your homework to ask informed questions.
- Be skeptical, without being a skeptic.
- Your reporting is a window for viewers/readers, not a filter for the news.
- Be relatable in your coverage and relevant to the subject.
To pursue a story with purpose and passion and then report on it with an objective perspective is a hard line to walk, but it is the stride of a good reporter.
And that leads to the second question, what role does a free press play in our community/society?
An informed citizenry is at the heart of America’s 246-year-old experiment in democracy. A free press is foundational to an informed citizenry.
In political science terms the press is known as the 4th branch, which acknowledges the unofficial, but widely accepted role the news media plays in providing information citizens can use to check the power of the three formal branches of government set in the Constitution. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.
Several factors have crept into play threatening the valued role the Fourth branch plays in our democracy.
Too often national T.V news is now delivered through a right or left filter. You must be an adept clicker to surf for information. Did this lens for news programming develop on its own, with an audience that grew accustomed to this view? Or have our viewpoints become so tribal that the media migrated to cater to its customers?
Talk radio has lured many of us into thinking opinion is news. Will we continue to be flabby listeners content in ignoring Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s admonition, “that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.”
Local newsrooms have been so drained of resources that many stories lack the perspective to provide insight. Will it be Tweet, Tweet, to local news coverage?
And just as AI is a disruptor for many of the industries we work in, it is disrupting media in all forms. The use of AI by nefarious actors will push us fiction or worse unless we protectively use it to pull fact.
One hundred and ninety years ago, observing America’s early years, French political philosopher, Alexis de Tocqueville noted, “America’s greatness lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.”
This observation is as true today as it was in America’s early years. But to repair our faults, we must be able to detect those faults. We will not repair what we cannot discern. It is a free press that is critical to our vision.
So, to those aspiring to the media profession, to those working in it, and those who went before you, I end with a thank you, and a plea that the country needs you as urgently as it did in its founding.
– Tim Sheehy is senior advisor and past president of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce.
You can read his entire speech here:
Wisconsin Educators Name Journalist of the Year
Eiman Mir, a senior at Brookfield East High School, was awarded 2024 Wisconsin Journalist of the Year by the Wisconsin Journalism Education Association.
The association, which connects and supports scholastic journalism programs statewide, praised Mir for “exceptional leadership, dedication to keeping students informed, community outreach and commitment to diversity in journalism.”
In a news release, the association noted Mir’s accomplishments at Brookfield East’s newspaper, the Spartan Banner, as well as her launch of a podcast at the school.
“Judges were particularly impressed with Eiman’s initiative in creating lesson materials, implementing a summer writing workshop and organizing a recruitment trip to a local middle school, fostering excitement about journalism among 8th graders,” the association said.
“I am very grateful for this recognition and am humbled to have the opportunity to share the excitement that comes with this honor,” Mir said in a statement. “This award motivates me to continue to pursue journalism beyond high school and continue to share the stories of people around me while highlighting important issues.”
Mir said she plans to study public health and biology in college with a minor degree in journalism.
“I am interested in learning more about the role of effective communication in public health initiatives and seeing how I can make a difference. I also look forward to continuing to write for the college newspaper,” she said.
As part of her award, Mir receives a $1,000 scholarship from the MPC Endowment and qualifies for the National High School Journalist of the Year Competition with the possibility of a $3,000 scholarship.
MPC Endowment is the independent charitable affiliate of the Milwaukee Press Club and has been supporting journalism excellence since 1973. For more information about the Endowment, go to
To learn more about the Wisconsin Journalism Education Association, go to
Finalists for 94th Annual Milwaukee Press Club Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism Contest Announced
2024 Gridiron Awards event also to honor:
James Bennet, a senior editor and weekly Lexington columnist for The Economist
LeRoy Butler, Green Bay Packers legend and NFL Hall of Fame honoree
Tim Sheehy, senior advisor and retired president of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce (MMAC)
MILWAUKEE, WI – The Milwaukee Press Club today announced finalists in the 94th Annual MPC Awards for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism competition.
Finalists are presented by contest category and listed alphabetically by organization. Click here for finalists.
Actual award placement– gold, silver and bronze – will be announced May 3 at the club’s Gridiron Awards event at The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee.
This year’s contest drew almost 900 entries from throughout Wisconsin in professional and collegiate categories. The competition was judged by professional journalists from press clubs throughout the U.S., including statewide clubs in Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Western Pennsylvania and Southeast Texas and metro-area clubs in Atlanta, Cleveland, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco and Syracuse.
Also to be honored at the Gridiron event:
James Bennet, senior editor and columnist, will receive the Sacred Cat Award, which recognizes journalism achievement at the national level.
Bennet joined The Economist in 2021 as a visiting senior editor before being named to his current post. He previously was editorial page editor of The New York Times, where he oversaw the digital transformation of the paper’s opinion department and led it to two Pulitzer prizes in four years and also served as editor-in-chief of The Atlantic. Before joining The Atlantic, he worked as a reporter at the Times in various roles, including Jerusalem bureau chief, magazine correspondent, White House correspondent and Detroit bureau chief.
This year’s Headliner Awards will be presented to Green Bay Packers legend LeRoy Butler, a champion of many community causes, and Tim Sheehy, senior advisor and retired president of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce (MMAC). Headliner Awards are presented annually to those who have made significant, positive contributions to Wisconsin and its residents.
For information on ways to get involved with the Gridiron Awards event and support the Milwaukee Press Club’s journalistic mission click here for sponsorship and advertising opportunities. Ad and sponsorship deadline, Friday, March 22, 2024.
For additional information or to register for the Gridiron Awards Dinner, please visit our website at or contact Joette Richards at or 262-894-2224.
Honor James Bennet, LeRoy Butler and Tim Sheehy
- Support the Gridiron Awards Dinner
- Congratulate winners of the MPC Awards for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism Contest in our Once A Year magazine
The Milwaukee Press Club, one of the oldest press clubs in the world, will host its annual Gridiron Awards Dinner on Friday, May 3 at The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. This year’s event will be timely, poignant, and not-to-be missed.
We are pleased to welcome this year’s Sacred Cat award winner, James Bennet, and Headliner honorees, LeRoy Butler, and Tim Sheehy.
Bennet joined The Economist in 2021 as a visiting senior editor before being named to his current post. He previously was editorial page editor of The New York Times, where he oversaw the digital transformation of the paper’s opinion department and led it to two Pulitzer prizes in four years and also served as editor-in-chief of The Atlantic. Before joining The Atlantic, he worked as a reporter at the Times in various roles, including Jerusalem bureau chief, magazine correspondent, White House correspondent and Detroit bureau chief.
This year’s Headliner Awards will be presented to Leroy Butler, Green Bay Packers legend and NFL Hall of Fame honoree; and Tim Sheehy, senior advisor and retired president of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce (MMAC). Headliner Awards are presented annually to those who have made significant, positive contributions to Wisconsin and its residents.
There are three ways to get involved with the Gridiron Awards event, and to support the Milwaukee Press Club’s journalistic mission and students pursuing careers in journalism:
- Become a Sponsor
To show your support for the honorees and the Press Club’s more than 300 professional members, there are three event sponsor levels, each offering different benefits. Sponsors will enjoy exposure at this well-attended event, as well as seats at the event. For more information on sponsorship click here.
- Advertise in Once A Year
For those interested in celebrating the honorees, the annual Once A Year magazine will be published to recognize these award winners and support the club. For more than 127 years, this magazine has provided documentation of the impressive list of honorees and has been mailed to club members and community leaders as a keepsake. To view a copy of last year’s Once A Year magazine click here.
- Host a Table
Tables include tickets for eight and excellent recognition at the event. ($1,200)
This event also recognizes the press club endowment’s annual Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism award winners. Most importantly, proceeds from this event help to ensure the quality of Southeastern Wisconsin’s journalism community for years to come through college scholarships, mentoring, professional development and industry advocacy.
Click here for more information and forms on the sponsorship and advertising opportunities. Ad and sponsorship deadline, Friday, March 22, 2024.
For more information, contact Joette Richards with your questions at or (262) 894-2224.
Call for Entries: 2023 MPC Awards for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism Contest Now Open!
The Milwaukee Press Club is pleased to announce the call for entries for its 97th Annual MPC Awards for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism contest.
The awards competition is open to work originated and published, broadcast or posted online in Wisconsin, by a state-based media outlet, during the year ending December 31, 2023.
All contest entries must be submitted and the checkout process completed by 5 p.m. Friday, February 2, 2024.
New early bird pricing available for Professional entries that are submitted and the checkout process completed by Fri., Jan. 19, 2024.
For more details or to enter the contest visit:
Winners will be honored at the Gridiron Awards Dinner scheduled for Friday, May 3, 2024, at The Pfister Hotel. The evening will also honor this year’s recipients of the Sacred Cat and Headliner Awards. More information about this event will be available soon.
Award winners will be posted on the MPC website prior to the event. However, the specific award gold, silver or bronze will be announced and presented at the Gridiron Awards Dinner.
For questions regarding the journalism contest please send an email to
Thanks in advance for your interest and participation. We look forward to this opportunity to recognize Wisconsin’s journalistic excellence.
Press Club Journalism Contest Committee
Support Journalism for Another 50 Years
“This scholarship takes a huge load off my shoulders in terms of financial burden. It will enable me to work less hours at my campus job and have greater opportunities to pursue journalism-focused internships and work experiences to build my resume that otherwise I wouldn’t have time for.”
Kodie Engst, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Meg Jones scholarship recipient
Since 1973, the MPC Endowment has been supporting journalism excellence through scholarships, internships, classroom support, training grants and awards.
In 2023, the Endowment granted more than $38,000, a record amount. But it also turned away more requests than ever because its funds could not keep up with demand. In support of the Endowment, the Milwaukee Press Club has approved a $5,000 special matching grant, through which your donations to the Endowment’s general fund could have double the impact.
As you consider your year-end charitable contributions, please invest in the future of journalism through the people who, like Kodie, are pursuing it as their calling.
Donate securely online, by clicking here.
Or mail your check to: MPC Endowment Ltd, 1505 N. 119th St., Wauwatosa, WI 53226-3241.
The MPC Endowment welcomes donations to its general fund. If you wish to designate your donation to one of the separate funds managed by the Endowment, specify which one. (Online, name your preference under “Special instructions to the seller.”) Endowment-run funds include:
- Tim Cuprisin Memorial Fund
- Ed Hinshaw fund
- Meg Jones Scholarship
- Eric Miller UWM PantherVision Scholarship
- Don Walker Memorial Scholarship
- Bob Wills Freedom of Information Fund
Donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your consideration. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact
The MPC Endowment Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established by members of the Milwaukee Press Club in 1973 to support excellence in journalism through scholarships, grants, internships and programming, including major support for the Press Club’s annual Excellence in Journalism Contest.
MPC Endowment awards grants to the Wisconsin Journalism Education Association
MILWAUKEE — To promote journalism excellence among high school students, the MPC Endowment has approved $2,500 in grants to the Wisconsin Journalism Education Association.
The WisJEA represents high school journalism programs across the state, connecting advisors, supporting student journalists and advocating for First Amendment rights. The MPC Endowment grant includes $1,500 for a student intern to provide administrative assistance and social media postings for the WisJEA.
The grant also funds a $1,000 college scholarship for the 2024 Journalist of the Year, an annual contest run by the association for high school seniors with student media experience.
“Without these funds, Wisconsin JEA, a non-profit organization supporting scholastic journalism, free press rights, and the Journalist of the Year Award, could not provide scholarship or internship opportunities that benefit young journalists in Wisconsin,” the Association said in a statement. “MPC Endowment and WisJEA have partnered to promote scholastic journalism since 2021, and we look forward to continuing this rewarding partnership.”
The MPC Endowment is the independent philanthropic affiliate of the Milwaukee Press Club. It is a 501(c)(3) organization celebrating its 50th year of supporting journalism excellence through scholarships, internships, awards and training grants. To donate, please go to
Honor Local Journalists: Milwaukee Press Club Seeking Corporate Sponsors and Congratulatory Ads for 2023 Media Hall of Fame
As part of our effort to ensure that Wisconsin continues to benefit from a vibrant journalistic profession, the Milwaukee Press Club annually recognizes the service and commitment of individuals whose distinguished journalism careers have positively impacted our community. This year’s Media Hall of Fame Dinner will be held on Friday, October 27 at the Saint Kate, The Arts Hotel in Milwaukee.
The following professionals will be inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2023:
- Joy Cardin, Wisconsin Public Radio
- Colleen Henry, WISN-TV
- Susan Kim, TMJ4 News
- Rick Romell, Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Andrew Triplett, TMJ4 News
- Bob Dye, (deceased) Milwaukee Sentinel, Journal Communications
- Allan Y. Scott, (deceased) Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Your support helps us to better celebrate our honorees and recognize the underlying values of the Press Club such as editorial craftsmanship, integrity and trust. The Milwaukee Press Club plays a critical role helping support a vital and engaged media in our community.
There are a few ways to get involved with the Hall of Fame event and support the Milwaukee Press Club’s mission:
- Presenting Sponsor ($1,500) – Recognition at the event, including PowerPoint, program and event signage, company name/logo on the printed program and invitation and table of 8 guests.
- Table Sponsor ($1,000) – Table of 8 included and program recognition.
- Half-page program ad ($500) – (tax deductible) – Congratulate your friend, colleague or honoree by designing a half-page horizontal ad (size 5” tall x 7.5” wide) in his/her honor and includes two tickets to the event. Your program ad is a tax deductible donation that will go directly to the MPC Endowment, Ltd.
- Quarter-page program ad ($250) – (tax deductible) – Congratulate your friend, colleague or honoree by designing a quarter-page vertical ad (size 5” tall x 3.5” wide) in his/her honor. Your program ad is a tax deductible donation that will go directly to the MPC Endowment, Ltd.
- Congratulatory Message ($100) – (tax deductible) – Congratulate your friend, colleague or honoree with a three-line congratulatory message of 20 words or less for the program. Your congratulatory message will be in the Hall of Fame program and is a tax deductible donation that will go directly to the MPC Endowment, Ltd.
Please support the Milwaukee Press Club and this important event. Click here for the advertising or sponsorship opportunities form.
Return your program ad or congratulatory message by Friday, Oct. 6 or sponsorship gift by Friday, Sept. 1. (Sponsorships will be accepted after that date, but the sponsor will not be listed on our invitation.)
Ad Specifications: Color or black and white – PDF files preferred. Send electronic ads to
For tax deductible program ads or congratulatory message checks must be payable to:
MPC Endowment, ltd., P.O. Box 176, North Prairie, WI 53153-0176
For sponsorships please make checks payable to the “Milwaukee Press Club” and mail to:
P.O. Box 176, North Prairie, WI 53153-0176
For more information on the Hall of Fame, contact Joette Richards at
Finalists for the 93rd Annual Milwaukee Press Club Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism Contest Announced
2023 Gridiron Awards event also to honor:
- Anna Wolfe, award-winning investigative reporter for Mississippi Today
- Derek Mosley, director of Marquette University Law School’s Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education
- George Stanley, former editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and regional editor of USA TODAY Network Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Press Club today announced finalists in the 93rd Annual MPC Awards for Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism competition.
Finalists are presented by contest category and listed alphabetically by organization. Click here for finalists.
Actual award placement– gold, silver and bronze – will be announced May 12 at the club’s Gridiron Awards event at The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee.
This year’s contest drew more than 900 entries from throughout Wisconsin in professional and collegiate categories. The competition was judged by professional journalists from press clubs throughout the U.S., including statewide clubs in Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Western Pennsylvania and Southeast Texas and metro-area clubs in Atlanta, Cleveland, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco and Syracuse.
Also to be honored at the Gridiron event:
Anna Wolfe, investigative reporter, will receive the Sacred Cat Award, which recognizes journalism achievement at the national level.
Wolfe, a native of Tacoma, Washington, graduated from Mississippi State University, where she received a bachelor’s degree in communications and journalism. Wolfe joined the staff at Mississippi Today in 2018 as an investigative reporter. Wolfe has received national recognition for her work, including the 2021 Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting, the 2021 Collier Prize for State Government Accountability and the 2021 John Jay/Harry Frank Guggenheim Excellence in Criminal Justice Reporting Award.
This year’s Headliner Awards will be presented to Derek Mosley, director of the Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education at Marquette University Law School and George Stanley, who recently retired as editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and regional editor of USA TODAY Network Wisconsin. Headliner Awards are presented annually to those who have made significant, positive contributions to Wisconsin and its residents.
For information on ways to get involved with the Gridiron Awards event and support the Milwaukee Press Club’s journalistic mission click here for sponsorship and advertising opportunities. Ad and sponsorship deadline, Friday, March 24, 2023.
For additional information or to register for the Gridiron Awards Dinner, please visit our website at or contact Joette Richards at or 262-894-2224.